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There are over 900 Million computers worldwide and 9 out of every 10 PCs have errors or may be infected.

PC Cleaner Pro Concern level calculation algorithm & logic:

- Malware Logic and Legend:
For cookies = Minor
for other malware: Threat levels(severity level provided by GFI/Sunbelt) http://www.threattracksecurity.com/oem.aspx


- Registry Cleaner / System Problems: 
Depends on issue . For example:
Minor = broken shortcut
Medium = SharedDll
High = BrokenService


- Junk:
More than 1GB: High
More than 10MB: Medium
Others: Minor


- Privacy:
More than 500MB: High
More than 10MB: Medium
Others: Minor


- System Performance:
Medium because application with excessive CPU/RAM usage is not a highly important issue.  Low issues do not affect system stability/performance so much, that it is mentioned by user. But stopping process with excessive resources usage may significantly improve user's experience with system.


- PC Optimizer:
More than 6 issues: High
More than 3 issues: MediumHigh
Others: Medium


- Security Defence (Includes both ActiveX and Windows Vulnerability)

- ActiveX:
ActiveX controls and web browser add-ons are small programs that are used extensively on the Internet. In some cases, these programs can be used to collect information from your computer in ways you might not approve of, possibly damage information on your computer, install software on your computer without your consent, or allow someone else to control your computer remotely. Given these risks, you should only install ActiveX controls or add-ons if you completely trust the publisher and the website offering it. Click here to learn more about ActiveX

- Windows Vulnerabilities:
Concern levels are based on Microsoft index. This index provides customers with guidance on the likelihood of functioning exploit code being developed for vulnerabilities addressed by Microsoft security updates, within the first thirty days of that update's release.You can learn more at Microsoft site here http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/gg309177.aspx


Speedometer Gauage Status

The Speedometer Scan Status will reflect the Overall or Scan Results gauge Status. The evaluation of the results of these areas results in a gauge reading and corresponding Scan Status. Here are the Scan Statuses that you may see in PC Cleaner Pro…

Security status is poor– system status is poor because system scan found any of the following: Malware, Windows Security or Privacy concerns.
System Security and Performance status is Good – system status is good. no issues found.
System performance concern Level is low Based on the system scan results, your PC can use some minor improvements. A low concern level means that the results found may have a minor effect on system performance loss. Fixing may help in possible increase in performance.
System performance concern level is Medium Based on the system scan results, your PC can use some improvements. A medium concern level means that the results found may have a moderate effect on system performance loss. Fixing should help increase PC performance.
System performance concern is Medium/High Based on the system scan results, your PC can use some improvements. A medium/high concern level means that the results found may highly effect system performance loss. Fixing should help increase PC performance.
System performance concern level is High Based on the system scan results, your PC can use some improvements. A high concern level means that the results found may highly effect system performance loss. Fixing should help increase PC performance.





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